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Calor Cylinder Range Update

Updates to the Calor Cylinder Range – revised!

Calor have reversed their decision to discontinue the smallest bottles in the range.  We have the 4.5kg Butane and 3.9kg Propane refills back in stock ready for your camping and caravanning trips!

The 6kg Cube bottle which is bespoke for the Calor Cube heater has been discontinued.  These are out of stock.

Improving Security of Supply

Calor have assured us that this move will ‘Improve their cylinder service’.  This is another way of saying that the security of supply of the remaining range will improve.

Options for Returning Affected Cylinders

If you have a discontinued cylinder size, when you come for a refill,** we’ll offer you an alternative size. We also stock regulators for these alternative bottles. If you’d like to order a refill now, you can find all the alternative bottle options in our online shop.

order an alternative refill

If you don’t wish to swap to one of the alternative cylinder options, then (assuming you have a Cylinder Rental Agreement – CRA with us) we’ll be able to refund you* between 25% and 70% of your original cylinder deposit, depending on the length of time you’ve had the cylinder.  See the Cylinder Refill Agreement that was in place until 01.02.23 for full details.


If you have a question, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly. If you need to know something outside office hours, Calor’s ‘Cylinder range simplification Q&A page’ may hold the answer to your query.


*A small admin fee is taken from the deposit when the bottle is returned
**Collection available 8-5 Mon-Fri.